熊本製粉株式会社 CONTACT US



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Company Name Kumamoto Flour Milling Co., Ltd.
Head Office 1-25-1, Hanazono, Nishi-ku, Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto
860-8625, Japan
TEL: (+81) 96-355-1221
FAX: (+81) 96-355-1264
Our Sites 【Branches】
Tokyo / Osaka / Fukuoka
Kumamoto / Fukuoka / Hanazono rice flour / Koshi rice flour
Hanazono / Nishigoshi / Miyoshi
Founded May 18, 1947
Main Business 【Flour Milling】
Wheat flour, Stone milled wheat flour, Rice flour, Buckwheat flour, Wheat bran
【Food Processing】
Premix flour, Food materials,
Functional materials, Dried noodles
Ordinary temperature warehouse,
Constant temperature warehouse
【Solar Power Generation】
Kaminosho Solar power plant, Koshi
Benten Solar power plant, Nishigoshi
Subsidiaries Shirokuma Shoji Co., Ltd.
Kumamoto Flour Milling Logistics Co., Ltd.
Sankyo Delica Co., Ltd.
Kirishima Bakery Co., Ltd.


1947.5 Founded in Iigurakatamachi, Tokyo with capital of Yen 1.5 million.
1955.1 Moved head office to Kumamoto Plant in Kumamoto City.
1957.5 Absorbed and merged Kumamoto Warehousing Co., Ltd., and started warehousing business.
1964.1 Increased capital to Yen 100 million.
1978.1 Increased capital to Yen 300 million.
1996.5 Increased capital to Yen 493.5 million.
1996.7 Bears Technical Center was constructed.
1999.12 Acquired ISO9001 certification.
2003.7 Qualified for AIB Consolidated Standards for Food Safety, the first in Kyushu district.
2005.5 Buckwheat plant was constructed in Fukuoka.
2009.6 Rice flour plant was constructed in Hanazono, Kumamoto.
2012.12 Solar power generator was constructed in Koshi, Kumamoto.
2013.4 Rice flour plant was constructed in Koshi, Kumamoto.
2015.1 Acquired Kosher certification from KOF-K Kosher Certification.
2015.2 Acquired Gluten Free certification from Gluten-Free Certification Organization, U.S.A.
2016.7 Acquired FSSC22000 certification at Hanazono and Koshi rice flour plants.
2018.3 New silos for wheat storage were constructed.
2018.7 Acquired FSSC22000 certification at all plants.
2019.12 Acquired Halal certification for wheat flour and rice flour products.


Kumamoto Flour Milling supports SDGs.

We aim to be a company chosen by society through sustainable development goals (SDGs).

We will fulfill our social responsibility as the company that works closely with all stakeholders, including customers and local communities, to create a bright future.

While using local agricultural products grown in Kumamoto and Kyushu, we will create valuable products that maximize the quality of materials, contribute to society, and continue to develop.


Supporting "Children's Cafeteria"

Eliminate poverty among children and provide continuous support for children's cafeterias*.
*Children's cafeterias are places that provide free meals for kids from families that have difficulty putting food on the table.

Reducing food loss

Extend the shelf life of our products and propose recipes that contribute to reducing food loss.

Improving work environment

Promote work style reforms such as teleworking and staggered working hours.

Reducing greenhouse gas

Promote renewable energy through solar power generation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through marine transportation.

Promoting Digital Transformation (DX) and paperless office

Along with promoting company-wide DX, we promote paperless office and work on taking care of the environment.